Friday, December 29, 2023

VENT: Letter of Notification, "Pending Final Judgement"-Writing Letters, Another Form to Venting

 "Pending Final Judgement"

Written By:  Empress Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  December 29, 2023

Updated On:  December 31,  2023

Note:  JP, represent the overall general population, i.e. collective, who have came up against the chosen ones & innocent ones and the WILL of the Most High, Yah, my Heavenly Abba!  

There will be no more delays!!!

JP, you're wondering if I know the truth.

JP, you parasite!  You're kicked completely out my energy just like all the rest. But you was different.  You actually attached yourself to me as an energetic parasitic creature to my entire person to drain my life and cause major chaos and confusion for years since childhood, even in the lives of those near and dear to me.  You tried to attempt to change my life's destiny and path. 

The crimes that all of you, including karmic relatives,  and an entire state of occult coven dark witches and warlocks have committed against me are completely disturbing. 

JP, you can't leave yo' karmic wife w/ a demonic monitoring attachment cause she holds all yo' dirty dark secrets and she's a direct mirror image reflection of you. 

You can't decide if you want to be a man or a woman, shape shifting to be in my energy to try to deceive me to siphon my energy so you can go off and try to be me and live a false reality of my life,i.e. destiny swap. Therefore, you swing both ways so you share and siphon sexual energy with men and women. But shhh, that's a biggg secret! That's the main reason why you won't walk away from your loveless toxic marriage. 

Fyi - this drama is better than watching soap operas 🤣

As long as you bring yo' demonic karmic wife from past life back some of my stolen energy you disgusting spiritual rapist energy suckin' vampire dark warlock, she's  quite okay with you swinging both ways. She's a willing participant in the ongoing previous rituals performed on every moon cycle, dark magic spell work, that y'all persistently would not give up in performing.

Now everything that you touch including yourself and the entire community and willing participants are turning into eternal rust.

Never ever to see the Earth's dust you demonic attached fallen angelic energy life blood suckin' vampire, i.e. the Master Warlock.  All those you distributed my good energy to through sex magic, money, my stolen blessings you rerouted towards yourself so I wouldn't receive nor partake in, etc., consider this "Pending Final Judgement" notice as being officially served.

There will be no forgiveness!  That window of opportunity is closed!!!

Forever fate locked away sealed with demonic energies eating entities!!!

Master Warlock(s)/Witches (dark), there will be no more pending final judgements.

You and all your creations and everything you touched is at full bloom!;  Fully fattened off my energy since childhood & now ready to be given up as the ultimate sacrifices to demonic entities!!!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

My Heavenly Abba Yah, allowed for you and your kamic's final fate, including every seeds y'all planted and produced in this  Earth will now be uprooted!!!

Y'all feasted off my energy long enough!

Now is demon time to feast off y'all's energies for eternity.  Now,  we see who really gets the last laugh and continue to move forward in this Earth realm and to inherit this Earth!!!

GAMES OVER!!!(Including Telepathy;  Chakras Attacks;  Astral Projecting into people's dream state while they are trying to rest just so you can steal, destiny swap, rape, bully, spy, deceive, stagnate, be a hindrance/blockage, siphon, etc.);  Etc.(The List Goes On & On...). 

It's obvious who's the winner!  

However, y'all still get dummy prizes for dummy participation. Your prizes is as follows:

A Bright Red Apple of Knowledge for Each One of You: 

Key Knowledge Prize#1=You did the Devil's bidding, i.e. you were just a pawn in a spiritual game, i.e. spiritual business.

Key Knowledge Prize#2=Your Father the Devil, the father of darkness,  actually works for my Father of light, Yahuah or aka Yah.

Key Knowledge Prize#3=My Father of light, Yah, contracted out your Father of darkness, the Devil,  for my soul contract to be carried out so I can evolve, awaken,  and get to my true destination. 

Key Knowledge Prize#4=Great Job!!! Y'all have fulfilled my soul's contract that y'all signed up with your Father the Devil, to help me achieve.  Today ends y'all souls contracts. Consult  with your Father the Devil for payment.  My Father Yah will also be hand delivering payments rewards for every deed, good or evil that each individual contributed to my soul's contract. 

Spiritual Court has made it's final ruling and every offender already know the fate that lies right before you. If you still have no clue, you will soon enough. 

Signed By:  Yah's Daughter, Empress Queen Versatile

Date:  December 29,  2023,  Friday 


And b!+ches, males & females y'all will never be able to siphon enough stolen energy from me to replicate me.  (Everything my energy signature touched is under judgement!!!) Y'all would never get close to becoming like me on my worst day whatever that looks like.  Y'all should know what that looks like since y'all been playing in my energy & monitoring me for yearsssss!!!SMH with shame😔😡🤮I'm completely disgusted!

And btw, I know the one I caught that didn't get away in the astral plane that had everything to do with my name being on a documented petition to an entity for a sacrifice. I'm pretty sure that individual didn't make it back to her 3D physical body.  Fyi-they refuse to call the ambulance at my request on her behalf so I was left to clean up the mess that many are indebted to me,  including her side kick who initially took off  & ran and left her to her own demise,  to sneak attack me.  No, I didn't have to lay one hand on her after she constantly threw chairs and other items at me.  Her actions towards me only provoked her actions towards herself as I just had a close up to watch her literally turn on herself and take her own life.  Universal karma law,  what goes out comes back around greater & later. Time is only an illusion my children let us not forget.  Be careful who you attack and place on your altars and petitions to sacrifice. You never ever want to petition to sacrifice walking, talking, and breathing Karma.  Let this be a lesson learned for all those thinking about participating in the foolishness of sacrificing to false dark evil entities for money, false power, and false respect, and anything else that's false & unpromising.


Empress Queen Versatile's Kin Number:  224 (2+2+4=8)

Year 2024: (2+0+2+4=8)

All roads lead to Karma😂🤣😭, i.e. Empress Queen Versatile😱😋😛😝😜🤪😇👑🔥

I'm here to collect my Heavenly Abba's debt, i.e. karmic debt collector!😂🤣😁🔥 Y'all should have done more homework and research before coming for me.  And those who already knew my identity from day 1 & still chose to attack & pursue me in a negative manner to cause chaos, upheaval, and even death.  Well,  y'all get a special surprise, straight from Yah, my Heavenly Abba 🎉

Y'all should have Meditated & Prayed...Not(Preyed)!!!

💥MAJOR💥Confirmation Link Added On July 10, 2024, Wednesday...Empress Bella explains me best!):😉😇😁

Confirmation:Added link below on April 18, 2024, Thursday(I told y'all this in the above letter).  I'm not sure how many has taken me serious. But I'm sure many now since karma & divine judgements has started touching down:

Additional Link Added On May 1, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Links Added On May 5, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Links Added On May 6, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On May 13, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On May 14, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On May 15, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Links Added On May 16, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On May 18, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Links Added On May 23, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On May 24, 2024, Friday:

Additional Links Added On May 26, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On May 27, 2024, Monday:

Additional Links Added On May 29, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On May 30, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Links Added On May 31, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 2, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Links Added On June 3, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On June 5, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Links Added On June 5, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Links Added On June 6, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Links Added On June 7, 2024, Friday:

Additional Links Added On June 8, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Links Added On June 10, 2024, Monday:

Additional Links Added On June 12, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On June 15, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Links Added On June 16, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Links Added On June 17, 2024, Monday:

Additional Links Added On June 18, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On June 19, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link(s) Added On June 21, 2024, Friday...(My Spiritual Sis Mystic Tori Explains It All!😉):

Additional Links Added On June 22, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Link Added On June 23, 2024, Sunday:

(Y'all should have been careful & listened to Empress Bella!...Now it's too late!... Because now it's just pure entertainment for me because I never was y'all's victim😉😇)... Additional Links Added On June 24, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On June 25, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On June 26, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On June 27, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On June 29, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Links Added On June 30, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On July 2, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Links Added On July 3, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On July 5, 2024, Friday...(The Demonic Entity Chiron, Jezebel & Her Eternal Karmic Lover Who Is Now A Fallen Angel):

Additional Link Added On July 7, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link(s) Added On July 8, 2024, Monday...(I warned the general public to stay out other people's dream state tryin' to steal blessings energetically from Yah's Chosen Ones in the astral plane!...You will fu(k around & find out the hard way if you don't take heed!...The number of souls that's not making it out the astral plane are adding up expeditious!):

Additional Links Added On July 10, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On July 11, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Links Added On July 12, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On July 13, 2024, Saturday:

Revenge Is A Mother Fu(k@r... Additional Links Added On July 15, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On July 16, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Links Added On July 18, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On July 20, 2024, Saturday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author & Writer: Empress Queen Versatile from 

W/Love, Joy & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Jeopardy"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting


Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  August 18, 2023, Friday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Don't play Jeopardy...

When people are jeopardizin' you!

Place all bets on yo' present to secure yo' future!

Playin' jeopardy will jeopardize yo' future!

Take a step back & analyze who's in yo' presence!

(Verse 1)

You Jeopardize my past...

You'll Jeopardize my future!

The Most High allowed you,...

So I can see you for you!!

When the door finally closes...

I'mma say, "F×€k you!" and forgive!

I have no remorse...

For my wicked torturers!


Don't play Jeopardy...

When people are jeopardizin' you!

Place all bets on yo' present to secure yo' future!

Playin' Jeopardy will jeopardize yo' future!

Take a step back & analyze who's in yo' presence!

(Verse 2)

You put my life in Jeopardy too many times...

For yo' own sh!+s & giggles!

It taught me alot!

How not to f×€k wit' people!

Now you're tryin' to get close to me...

Since I'm packin' up & leavin'!

Tryin' to pretend that you love me,...

Now the door is finally closin'!

It's the same d@mn story!


Don't play Jeopardy...

When people are jeopardizin' you!

Place all bets on yo' present to secure yo' future!

Playin' Jeopardy will jeopardize yo' future!

Take a step back & analyze who's in yo' presence!

(Verse 3)

You put my life in Jeopardy!;  You wouldn't protect me at any cost!

You'll never be my wish fulfillment!

The competition, jealousy, & envy...

Revealed who you truly be!

Fyi-you took a lot from me!

So I cut my losses off!

I didn't mind takin' L's...

If it frees me to secure my bright future!;  So be it!

I let dirty dogs lie!

You'll never have another opportunity to put my life in Jeopardy!

You'll never have another opportunity to jeopardize my future!


Temptation comes the strongest...

When yo' blessings are just around the corner!

The devil works the busiest when it's time to receive!

The devil works the busiest when yo' blessings 'bout to manifest!

Don't allow people & their demons to jeopardize the blessings that's in yo' present & yo' future!

No more placin' yo' life in Jeopardy!

Be thankful for yo' presents!

And don't let people take yo' presence for granted!

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

VENT: Article, "Murder For Hire"-Writing Articles, Another Form to Venting

 "Murder For Hire"

VENT-Can You Relate?

With Empress Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 26, 2023, Thursday

On the way from school,...

Had to make a stop on the way home

Dedicating my time & energy to help out a friend enemy!

Pick 'em up in my ride to go handle business.

In the meantime didn't know there was a hired murder plot to kill me!

On the way back to my friend enemy's apartment,...

There were other dudes in another car secretly following.

Used a military device to block my phone from connecting with the towers.

Got back to my friend enemy's crib didn't realize I was walking into a trap.

Niggas, were already in the apartment,...

One in the closet, that's the one who shot me!

Execution style, surrounded by enemies & a hidden friend enemy!

It's too late!

I already been hit!

The best of the best were hired to take me out!

The killers entered & waited in the apartment while we were out handling business. 

My friend enemy knew.  He was part of the plot.

Waiting like hungry lions waiting to pounce!

When they got the opportunity they took my life without announcement.

Took my body out & left my vehicle in the parking lot.

The license plate (sticker) on my brother's vehicle, connected directly to the ring leader!

Scared she was going to get found out about all her government business mishandlings.

Hiring people that's customers coming into the government place of business!

Low key soliciting military soldiers for military devices to block out cellphone towers.

Invested in the best professional killers to take out one important individual.

Ring leader scared that the one important individual came across under handed data concerning her criminal activity money matters in office.

He was just minding his business trying to earn an University degree.  How ironic the project he was working on was connected to a known government criminal official.

How ironic he lost his life right before she switched government office title & position.

Murder hire to ensure she won the race for her new government position.

She invested into too many degrees to allow a judge's innocent son to possibly compromise her career goals & what all she worked for to obtain a government position higher on the ladder.

What happened to his body?

Road off in the secondary vehicle.  That's why it was no evidence found in his vehicle. 

The body snatchers took him to a body chop shop, voodoo priest/priestess, who dismantled his body & got rid of the evidence.

Taking advantage of average citizens who can help with assisting in a murder plot. They in a catch 22 about to lose their family & personal property.  One hand wash another when backs are against the walls. 

She hire you for your services to commit murder and she'll ensure that you maintain to keep your property!

Read in between the lines!

Link Added On May 28, 2024, Tuesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "I Got Money"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "I Got Money"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 16, 2023,  Monday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


(POV:  Male)

"I Got Money!" (Repeat ×4)

(POV:  Female)

I Got Money too! 

But you still can't satisfy me!

So what You Got Money!;  I don't give a fu(k!

(Verse 1)

I don't give a fu(k about yo' money!

I never was wit' you for materials!

Now you got a wife at home,  so what you're offerin'?

Some breadcrumbs that fall from y'all's table!

I'm not an appetizer!

I'm the whole fu(k!n' entree!

I'm worthy of the whole fu(k!n' buffet!

You say you got money;  I Got Money too!

By the way,  I'm not interested!

Yo' offer is insufficient!


(POV:  Male)

"I Got Money!"  (Repeat ×4)

(POV:  Female)

I Got Money too!

But you still can't satisfy me!

So what You Got Money!;  I don't give a fu(k!

(Verse 2)

Still havin' babies wit' yo' wife but callin' me!

Tryin' to entice me wit' yo' money...'ve obtain wit' my energy!

I don't give a fu(k about yo' money!

I Got Money too!  Stop stealin' my energy!

You built a whole life off my pure energy...

...that yo' wife & kids benefit!

You Got Money!

So what!;  I Got Money too!

Even though it's in the ethers, I still got money!

I prefer the cups 1st,  then the money!

Unlike you,  I got my priorities in order!


(POV:  Male)

"I Got Money!" (Repeat ×4)

(POV:  Female)

I Got Money too!

But you still can't satisfy me!

So what You Got Money!

I don't give a fu(k!

(Verse 3)

It don't matter how much you have in yo' bank account!

After awhile so much money gets a little bit borin'!

You gonna need something more that's satisfyin'!

You can't buy nobody's will to make them love you!

The only thing you can buy is short-lived pleasures & lust!

Nigga,  I'm goin' after my cups while you obtain lust!

What's a whole bunch of money without love?

Emotionally insufficient!

But You Got Money!🤔


(POV:  Male)

"I Got Money!" (Repeat ×4)

(POV:  Female)

I Got Money too!

But you still can't satisfy me!

So what You Got Money!

I don't give a fu(k!

Please click on the following links for a perfect life example of what it should be properly,etc.:

Additional Link Added On May 1, 2024, Wednesday; how this energy harvesting vampire warlock above & many others like him including blood relatives have been living off my pure clean energy, building & generating massive amounts of wealth:

Additional Link Added On May 26, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On May 29, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On May 31, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 3, 2024, Monday:

Additional Links Added On June 6, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On June 7, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 15, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Link Added On June 25, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On June 27, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On July 8, 2024, Monday...(All the energy y'all  stole from me, my spirit team is gonna leave y'all bare bone naked!):

Additional Link Added On July 9, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On July 11, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On July 12, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On July 15, 2024, Monday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Greedy As MF's"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Greedy As MF's"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 8, 2023, Sunday

Updated On:  January 29, 2024, Monday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ !

Usin' AI to cheat us!

(Repeat ×4)

(Verse 1)

After a transaction,

They went back & doubled charged me;  FYI-not the 1st time!

Tryin' to handle the issue,

But can't talk to a human!

The consequences to their greediness is impeding breathing!

Takin' advantage of the average citizens!...

Who's relyin' on the system for e-commerce!

Robbin' the poor to feed yo' greedy appetites!

Y'all never get satisfied from over indulgin'!


Greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ !

Usin' AI to cheat us!

(Repeat ×4)

(Verse 2)

The greed get greedier!

The poor gets poorer!

AI gets smarter!

While computers makes us dummer!

I'm not an exception but I don't let nothin' get pass me!

(Echo:  I peep game!)

You got to pay up double when I catch the slightest injustices!...

Placin' my back against a wall!

Usin' AI to yo' advantage to produce catch 22's!


Greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ !

Usin' AI to cheat us!

(Repeat ×4)

(Verse 3)

If you're not woke enough...

They will rob you to sleep!

Usin' AI & algorithms to preprogram our destinies,...

to steal from the people who want to be free!

It wasn't by accident that you paid for products you never received,...

They refuse to deliver without double payment!

Until you change yo' payment method to cover up the evidence,...

to force you to pay for what's already yours!

(Echo:  Are you fu(k!n' serious!)

The main goal is to keep you subservient,  in a vicious toxic cycle!

They eat to get richer at the expense of yo' finances!

The greedier they get,...

The further you're enslaved!

They all got a set time when the Divine Tower will come down!


Greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ !

Usin' AI to cheat us!

(Repeat ×4)

(Verse 4)

Autumn May Arrive in a Zero degree Ozone,...

but Never affectin' the innocent!

If you're wise,...

You'll have a future plan of action,...

When the Autumn Tower Falls!

I sit back & let people run in their own rat races!

When they get to where they're goin' & been there for awhile,...

I ask, "so who's laughing now"?

They a$$ will be comin' tumblin' down!

It doesn't profit bein' greedy!

It only profits to give consideration to the needy!

A prophecy to all y'all greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ that don't want nobody else to eat!

It's nothin' wrong wit' bein' rich!;  It's something wrong wit' bein' greedy!


Greedy a$$ mother fu(k@r$ !

Usin' AI to cheat us!

(Repeat ×4)

Please click on the following links below to see how AI is really for us or against us:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Electronic Transfers"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Electronic Transfers"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 10, 2023, Tuesday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Money come to me!


My wealth is stored up in the wicked's abundance!

Times Up!

It's time to return what is owed!

Electronic Transfers!

(Verse 1)

Wake up & money dried up

The transfer of wealth

Transactions without a trace

Check yo' barns

They're all dried up!

Your gold & silver, they turn into rust!


Money come to me!


My wealth is stored up in the wicked's abundance!

Times Up!

It's time to return what is owed!

Electronic Transfers!

(Verse 2)

The wealth of the wicked

Is stored up for the righteous!

Money is the only thing that give y'all wicked people power!

Times Up!;  The karmic wheel has spent!

Wealth return to the rightful owners!


Money come to me!


My wealth is stored up in the wicked's abundance!

Times Up!

It's time to return what is owed!

Electronic Transfers!

(Verse 3)

Remember the Wheel of Fortune

You needed the right letters to game riches!

All that spellwork to obtain what is stolen!

The powers that were is at their wick ends!

Time to heal the people's pains & sufferings!


Money come to me!


My wealth is stored up in the wicked's abundance!

Times Up!

It's time to return what is owed!

Electronic Transfers!

(Verse 4)

Wake up to more money...

Than I could ever imagine!

I swear it's better than hittin' the jackpot!

All my blessings stored in the ethers!...

Is now manifested in my present reality!

All praises to the Most High, my Heavenly Abba Yah!


Money come to me!


My wealth is stored up in the wicked's abundance!

Times Up!

It's time to return what is owed!

Electronic Transfers!

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Time For Eclipsing"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Time For Eclipsing"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 9, 2023, Monday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Thank you Heavenly Abba

For eclipsin' those who attacked me!

Givin' their lives to ensure my sufferings!

I don't feel no sympathy when they start droppin' like flies!

It's been along time comin' for divine karmic justice!

(Verse 1)

Everybody 'bout to start droppin' like flies

Who had a hand in attackin' me!

Sendin' spellwork out so people couldn't see the best in me!

Puttin' tainted chocolate chip cookies in my mailbox tryin' to poison me!

I took them to the police department,...

They laughed!;  Thought the cookies were hilarious!

(It's Time For Eclipse season!)


Thank you Heavenly Abba

For eclipsin' those who attacked me!

Givin' their lives to ensure my sufferings!

I don't feel no sympathy when they start droppin' like flies!

It's been along time comin' for divine karmic justice!

(Verse 2)

Who's on yo' side when you're gettin' spiritually attacked?

Runnin' my name in the dirt!

Tryin' to put me underneath the Earth!

The spirit realm rosed up & came to my defense!

The police department, solicitors, judges, average citizens,...

...& in high places authority were all against me!

(It's Time For Eclipse season!)


Thank you Heavenly Abba

For eclipsin' those who attacked me!

Givin' their lives to ensure my sufferings!

I don't have no sympathy when they start droppin' like flies!

It's been along time comin' for divine karmic justice!

(Verse 3)

Evil is never divided!

They stand strong in solidarity!

No human in my defense

So I depended on the spirit beings!

That brought me safely through the turmoil to calmer waters!

(It's Time For Eclipse season!)


Thank you Heavenly Abba

For eclipsin' those who attacked me!

Givin' their lives to ensure my sufferings!

I don't feel no sympathy when they start droppin' like flies!

It's been along time comin' for divine karmic justice!

(Verse 4)

The only thing my enemies didn't factor in,...

I'm more angelic than humans!

They can't destroy my spirit nor my body!

They can't destroy any parts of me!

I was born to bring judgement!

When I was a child...

I always stated when I was asked...

What did I wanna be when I grew up,...

A lawyer, doctor, & architect!

It was written in my divine blueprint!

(It's Time For Eclipse season!)


Thank you Heavenly Abba

For eclipsin' those who attacked me!

Givin' their lives to ensure my sufferings!

I don't feel no sympathy when they start droppin' like flies!

It's been along time comin' for divine karmic justice!

Confirmation Link Added On May 26, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On June 25, 2024, Tuesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Monday, October 9, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Swords-N-My Back"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Swords-N-My Back"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 9, 2023, Monday 


4-8 Bars Instrumental


I already judged me,

So you can't judge me!

Everything you need to say,

I already faced!

All them swords in my back,

I eat as dessert!

I do life & death like Mortal Combat!

(Verse 1)

I take the swords out my back

Then lick the blood off!

I got nine lives

So I'm not dead nor alive!

I burn my own path up

So I can reach my fated destiny!

I got dead people

Leadin' & guidin' me!

When I go ghost

I'm on the other side doin' the most!

This rap game is too easy

I didn't take it serious!

But now I'm in my purpose

I'm goin' all in, until death do us part!

Visitin' my soul family since we departed!

Travel back to the underworld

Then back to the sky!

No matter dead or alive

Along wit' swords in my back!

I never feel the full effects!


I already judged me,

So you can't judge me!

Everything you need to say,

I already faced!

All them swords in my back

I eat as dessert!

I do life & death like Mortal Combat!

(Verse 2)

I take yo' negative words as icin' on the cake!

I dismantle yo' words, put 'em back in the oven to rebake, to transmute the energies!

I use all frequencies to manifest my wishes!

I'm the star thee Aquarius, I grant people wishes!

Do or die?

I can never die!

I do this life & death thing like a game of Mortal Combat!

You got something to say about my person!

I comeback like ghost that you never seen before, Invisible!


I already judged me,

So you can't judge me!

Everything you need to say, 

I already faced!

All them swords in my back

I eat as dessert!

I do life & death like Mortal Combat!

(Verse 3)

I look in the mirror

And judge everything about me!

I don't need judgmental mother fu(k@r$...

Placin' judgements on my name!

Everything you got to say 

I already visualized! 

All the swords in my back, all the attacks!

I'm an air sign, I rule the mental!

So I eat swords as dessert after dinner!

Sendin' niggas back their attacks like Mortal Combat!


I already judged me,

So you can't judge me!

Everything you need to say,

I already faced!

All them swords in my back

I eat as dessert!

I do life & death like Mortal Combat!

Please click on the following links:

Additional Link Added On May 30, 2024, Thursday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Friday, October 6, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Narcissist"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting


Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 5, 2023, Thursday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!

Narcissist enjoy bein' wicked!

Narcissist can't stop bein' evil!

I don't attend Narcissist Funerals!

(Verse 1)

He keeps puttin' his hands on my kids

Playin' wit' my kids

Touch not my anointed!

Don't fu(k wit' the chosen!

(Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!)


Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!

Narcissist enjoy bein' wicked!

Narcissist can't stop bein' evil!

I don't attend Narcissist Funerals!

(Verse 2)

He's gonna learn one day

A little too late!

Do the prophet no harm!

The Angels are about to sound the alarm!

(Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!)


Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!

Narcissist enjoy bein' wicked!

Narcissist can't stop bein' evil!

I don't attend Narcissist Funerals!

(Verse 3)

Times up for yo' petty Narcissistic antics!

You violated too many codes of ethics!

You disrespected the Most High

Layin' hands on the chosen!

(Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!)


Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!

Narcissist enjoy bein' wicked!

Narcissist can't stop bein' evil!

I don't attend Narcissist Funerals!

(Verse 4)

You won't learn yo' lessons

Not to fu(k wit' the chosen

I see a funeral hearse in my 3rd eye

Will I be present at the funeral?;  Ahhh, a course not!

(Wicked people don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!)


OMG!  Now the unevolved thinks I'm selfish!

Cause I won't be present at my father's funeral!

He paid disrespect!

So I pay him no respect!

It just is what it is when you dealin' wit' Narcissist wicked evil people!

(Wicked people just don't learn their fu(k!n' lessons!)

Narcissistic witch!

Link Added On June 5, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On June 10, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On June 17, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On June 21, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 22, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Link Added On June 23, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On July 9, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On July 11, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On July 17, 2024, Wednesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Mistress"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting


Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  October 3, 2023, Tuesday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


Ooh, Child!

He lost out!

He chose a low quality b!+(h,...

Over an Empress!

Now he tryin' to make an Empress,...

A side piece!;  A low valued Mistress!

Nigga, is you crazy?

(Verse 1)

Tried to make me a Mistress!

Nigga is you crazy!

You want to be wit' me...

Now you're losin' interest!


Ooh, Child!

He lost out!

He chose a low quality b!+(h,...

Over an Empress!

Now he tryin' to make an Empress,...

A side piece!;  A low valued Mistress!

Nigga, is you crazy?

(Verse 2)

You're a penny pincher on Pinterest!

Violation #1 for insultin' the Empress!

Violation #2 for insultin' my intelligence!

Violation #3 for insultin' my integrity!

Keep me on yo' brain I'mma charge you interest!

You can't manipulate me I'm a genius!


Ooh, Child!

He lost out!

He chose a low quality b!+(h,...

Over an Empress!

Now he tryin' to make an Empress,...

A side piece!;  A low valued Mistress!

Nigga, is you crazy?

(Verse 3)

You play wit' my feelings I'mma call judgment!

People don't take me serious unless they're handcuffed!

I'm yo' lucky charm!

But you're my bad omen!

Just remember I can never be yo' Mistress!


Ooh, Child!

He lost out!

He chose a low quality b!+(h,...

Over an Empress!

Now he tryin' to make an Empress,...

A side piece!;  A low valued Mistress!

Nigga, is you crazy!

(Verse 4)

You invested,...

So you can't have me as seconds!

I'm high valuable!;  High demand commodity!

If I'd lowered my value,...

You still couldn't afford me!

Your games are elementary!

I could never be yo' Mistress!


Ooh, Child!

He lost out!

He chose a low quality b!+(h,...

Over an Empress!

Now he tryin' to make an Empress,...

A side piece!;  A low valued Mistress!

Nigga, is you crazy?

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!