Sunday, February 25, 2024

VENT: Freestyle Poetry Vent, "Grief & Relief"-Writing Freestyle Poetry Vents, Another Form to Venting

 "Grief & Relief "

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  February 22, 2024, Thursday 

I eat to fulfill my desires for you!  I don't know how long I can go before gainin' weight!  This is the honest truth!  I only have affection for you!  It wouldn't do justice if I  went out to attempt to fulfill my desires with another!  No one has yo' traits, yo' qualities!

My heart is fixed!  It's stable for the race!  Promise you & I will always come out first place!  I'm glad you focus on my soul, than me gainin' weight!  My weight fluctuate but my soul quality is a constant!

I'm tired of battlin' these feelin's that I hold within!  I can't eat them away!  I can't silence them!  They won't go to sleep! They lie dormant!  My soul is in limbo when I'm not wit' you!  The agony!  The frustration!  I wish it would all fade away!  But every moment I'm without you,  I'm depress!

I try to hold it together in the face of adversities!  Pretendin' I'm okay when the pain won't go away!  My ego can let go what my soul can't comprehend!  I know it's suppose to be the opposite but it's not!  I'm distraught when we are apart!

Past life memories are still present!  In this life I'm tryin' to focus on what's relevant!  But all the timelines are runnin' neck-and-neck,  together from the past to the future!  All we have is now, in the present!  Past memories I'm tryin' to forget!  I can't let go so they stay current!

I have the memories in yo' absence but it doesn't fill the void!  I'm in pain!;  I'm drownin' in grief!  You don't care as long as you stay single!  You afraid of love, prosperity,  and abundance!;  That's all I have to offer!

Sometimes it's not enough for certain people!  I'm startin' to lose faith!  It's dwindlin' daily!  Every moment seems like forever!  You bein' away it makes my soul cry! 

At times I wonder why we departed!  But in time I know everything will make sense!  If not this lifetime then in another incarnation!  When I'm wit' you,  you make my soul come alive!  When we're not together I'm just eatin' to survive!  I'm in a catch 22!

Sometimes I wonder if I'll be too big for you!  But once we're together it's no problem wit' losin'!  I would rather eat food than entertain the thought of another dude!  I won't look outside of me just to falsely feel full!  I would rather stay faithful & do what I got to do, to keep my energy & frequency pure!

I would never sacrifice & place you on the choppin' block just to fill a temporary longing!  The root cause is bein' separated from you!  I try healthy ways to cope but it's all insufficient!  I don't know at this point!  I guess I'll be happy wit' self!  If you accept me, if you don't-just know I was faithful every step!

I even sacrificed & gained unwanted weight to be faithful!  But there's still a hole in me that I can't fill!  I've tried almost everything!  But you hit the nail on the head everytime I'm in yo' presence!  I've never felt so content wit' anyone in my life!  When I look into yo' eyes I see the missin' piece that's priceless!  That's why all copin' mechanisms were unsuccessful!

If I can't have you then I can't have breath!  Bein' without you is suffocatin' me to death!  Why did our soul have to split?  I've been in despair every since!  I just want to feel whole again!  Is that too much to commence?

I'm Heaven sent but now I'm hell bent!  Right now it's just an adverb & adjective to describe the state of bein' that I'm in!  When will this hell ever end?  Sometimes I want to give up on this spiritual journey!  Because it feels like everybody else wins while I'm losin'!  

My heart's desires always seems like a figment of my imagination!  I do everything to keep a high vibration!  I should be able to manifest anything in love!  But when I try all I get is the opposite!  My pain causes me to self-sabotage!  I don't use excuses!;  I accept responsibilities!

I just use food to cover up my pain, the agony!  I know the sh!+ don't work!  It's only temporarily!  But that's all I need is temporary relief!  Cause permanent relief is just for my imagination!

It seems that I live in self-delusion!  Hopin' & tellin' myself that everything will get better but as the days go by,  they get worst!  At this point I don't know what to do!  But use food to help me get through!  I'm very self-aware  but that don't cure the sufferin's & grief!  It seems like all this was attached to me at birth!

I never learned how to walk!  I can crawl & take a stand & that's it!  I've never learned how to walk throughout life!  At this point people runnin' is fascinating!  I'll continue to watch from the sideline in grief!

Don't mistaken it,  I don't want no one's pity!  I'm simply just venting!

Link Added On May 29, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On May 30, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On June 18, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On November 20, 2024, Wednesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  Empress Queen Versatile from 

w/Love, Joy,  & Peace(Shalom)!!!

VENT: Freestyle Poetry Vent, "Memory"-Writing Freestyle Poetry Vents, Another Form to Venting


Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  February 25, 2024, Sunday

You sh!++ed on me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You gossiped nonsense about me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You treated me like a "Pick Me";  Now I'm just a Memory!

You abused & misused me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You tried to control me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You falsified lies on documents about me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You gave false testimonies & narratives about me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You caused legal problems for me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You created illusions & confusion about me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You tried to distract me intentionally;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You played mind, emotional, relational, mental, spiritual,  physical,  legal, and financial trick games on me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You spit in my face;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You stole from me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

(If you fall in any of these categories, stay the hell away from me!)

You drained my pockets;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my emotions;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my physical;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my mental;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my love;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my joy;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You drained my peace;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You never loved me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

(If you fall in any of these categories, stay the hell away from me!)

You lied on me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You deceived me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You hated me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You was jealous of me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You envied me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You gave me yo' a$$ to kiss;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You turned yo' back on me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me wit' yo' heavy baggage to carry;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me as a single mother(over & over) to provide & care for kids alone;  Now I'm just a Memory!

(If you fall in any of these categories,  stay the hell away from me!)

You left me in sticky situations;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me in the cold;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me in the scorching heat;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me in the desert; Now I'm just a Memory!

You left me to be attacked;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You wouldn't give to me what I rightfully deserved;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You tried to take my life;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You tried to kill me;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me jailed;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me imprisoned in Corrections;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me wrongfully sentenced;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me unlawfully arrested (over & over);  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me wrongfully convicted;  Now I'm just a Memory!

You had me wrongfully judged;  Now I'm just a Memory!

(If you fall in any of these categories,  stay the hell away from me!)

Fu(k all of y'all who never stood 10 toes down beside me!

I give all thanks & praise to my Heavenly Abba (Father), Yah!

I give thanks to my entire spirit team for always delivering & saving my soul & life,  my kids included!

Especially,  when I had predators who pretended like they loved me & liked me, to attack me secretly, openly, and low key!

I give thanks & praise to all my saviours who truly loves me unconditionally & actually expresses it in the 3D!  That's why I always say, "Fu(k humans!".  Humans can't tell a lie from the truth!  Humans can't decipher fantasy (delusion) from reality!  I would never take a human to a straw fight!  Humans are flim flamsy as hell!  It's hard for them to stand solid on 10 toes & be faithful!

Especially,  when all they worry about is eating,  drinking, dressing,  impressing, fu(kin', su(kin', nu++in', and what the fu(k they gonna live in & drive, to pretend to be on top!  I'll take the spirit realm for 1,000 Alex!  Fu(k mere humans!  I said what I meant & I meant how I said it!  I'm tired bein' nice!

Fu(k it!  I don't give a fu(k about what y'all mere humans give a fu(k about cause it's my birthright!  All I care about is Divine Karmic Justice!  Add these to yo' new memories about me!  I promise you,  in the near future you gonna need 'em!  You know my gifts, uh!...Now I'm manifesting judgements!  There's no blockages!  I get what I manifest!

Link Added On June 16, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On June 18, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On June 21, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 21, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On July 12, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On December 1, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On December 17, 2024, Tuesday:

💥💥MAJOR💥💥Confirmation Additional Link Added On January 17, 2025, Friday:

Vent-Can you Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  Empress Queen Versatile from 

w/Love,  Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Keep Playin' (Lex talionis)"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Keep Playin'

(Lex talionis)"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  February 22, 2024, Thursday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


B!+(h humans keep playin' wit' me

(Lex talionis!)

Like I'm not the mother fu(k!n' Empress!

Y'all sorry apologies-save it!

Add it to yo' karmic debts!

(Lex talionis!)

B!+(hes, I deliver efficiently...

Cause I'm delivered!

(Lex talionis!)

Can't no b!+(h human incarcerate me!

I came to set humanity free!

(Verse 1)

I don't want no b!+(h made man!

I had that experience growin' up wit' a b!+(h made father!

You can't pay my pain by the hour!

It cost too much!;  I'm on salary!  (Lex talionis!)


B!+(h humans keep playin' wit' me

(Lex talionis!)

Like I'm not the mother fu(k!n' Empress!

Y'all sorry apologies-save it!

Add it to yo' karmic debts! 

(Lex talionis!)

B!+(hes, I deliver efficiently...

Cause I'm delivered!

(Lex talionis!)

Can't no b!+(h human incarcerate me!

I came to set humanity free!

(Verse 2)

Since birth, people gained clout at my expense!

But since I took my power back,  they hung up on the fence!

Playin' games in my front yard!;  I kicked they a$$ out!

Can no longer play games in front my house! (Lex talionis!)


B!+(h humans keep playin' wit' me

(Lex talionis!)

Like I'm not the mother fu(k!n' Empress!

Y'all sorry apologies-save it!

Add it to yo' karmic debts!

 (Lex talionis!)

B!+(hes, I deliver efficiently...

Cause I'm delivered!

(Lex talionis!)

Can't no b!+(h human incarcerate me!

I came to set humanity free!

(Verse 3)

Adult kids I had to discipline, I didn't birth!

Don't know right from wrong...

That's what you would think...

But they get no free passes for assaultin' me! (Lex talionis!)


B!+(h humans keep playin' wit' me

(Lex talionis!)

Like I'm not the mother fu(k!n' Empress!

Y'all sorry apologies-save it!

Add it to yo' karmic debts!

(Lex talionis!)

B!+(hes, I deliver efficiently...

Cause I'm delivered!

(Lex talionis!)

Can't no b!+(h human incarcerate me!

I came to set humanity free!

(Verse 4)

Chosen because I chose and...

No one ever thought it would be me!

That's why mother fu(k@rs didn't get tired playin' wit' me!

News flash!;  I'm on their a$$!     (Lex talionis!)


B!+(h humans keep playin' wit' me

(Lex talionis!)

Like I'm not the mother fu(k!n' Empress!

Y'all sorry apologies-save it!

Add it to yo' karmic debts!

 (Lex talionis!)

B!+(hes, I deliver efficiently...

Cause I'm delivered!

(Lex talionis!)

Can't no b!+(h human incarcerate me!

I came to set humanity free!

(Verse 5)

Now the mother fu(k@rs can't stop runnin'!

I told y'all b!+(hes I'm out for revenge!

All the losses I ate at my expense!

Now it's time for reciprocity!;...

The Universal Karmic Scales needs to be balanced!  (Lex talionis!)


Keep playin' cause I stand in my truth!

And see what you get!

I'm very generous!

I'm always up for the challenge!

(Lex talionis!)


Them same demons y'all send me,  I'mma make 'em my b!+(hes! Lol!!    

(Lex talionis!)

Confirmation Links Added On May 26, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On August 22, 2024, Thursday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  Empress Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

VENT: Article, "People's Sexuality"-Writing Articles, Another Form to Venting

 "People's Sexuality"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  February 22, 2024, Thursday 

Provokin' people to be gay, ain't no different than them convertin' people to Christianity!  (To control the masses & decrease reproduction, to control overall!).  Alot of my immigrant relatives didn't make it through the bloodshed of Christianity!  (Just like the making of a slave, the making of a Christian!)

A person's sexuality is nobody else's business-besides the one(s) they are in relations with!  The only problem is, is deception!  I respect individuals' truths!  (The question is do people accept, respect, & embrace their own truths?).  On the other hand, to impose or force yo' truth upon someone else then cry & holler at the fact of exposure when you're practicing deception is overrated!

Puttin' other people's health in jeopardy!  My cousin died due to aids after she was married!  Her biggest mistake was marrying a down low deceiver!  He was too cowardly to stand in his truth!  Created a little baby that didn't make it to three & never got the chance to walk!  They buried his down low deceptive a$$ first.  Next, the little baby.  And lastly, the mother,  my cousin-the whole entire family!

I don't play about my emotional health!

I don't play about my spiritual health!

I don't play about my physical health!

I don't play about my overall well-being!

Tree people,i.e. people with the natural nature to being homosexual, if you want both tea & coffee, you need to make it known without deception!

Those who go against their natural nature have it difficult to stand in their truth!  Just because gay is some people's natural nature,  don't mean everybody should be!  I respect you! Respect me, us, & we!  Don't try to convert me!  Bottom line,  I'mma stay straight!  (It's part of my soul's purpose!). Just puttin' it out there in case you try to convert me!  To each its own!  I love tea!  You love coffee!  I don't base people's character on their sexuality!  That's absurd! (Just like people shouldn't base people's character on the color of their skin tones!).  It's pure ignorance!  If you ask me,  it's not my business & very superficial who you choose as a sexual preference! I don't know why people find other people's sexuality amusing!  

If you lead with good character,  I don't give a fu(k about yo' sexuality! The only thing again I have a problem with,  is deceptive a$$ people who are cowards!  FYI-being private is not the same as being deceptive when choosing to withhold yo' personal truths from someone who deserves to know "up front"!  People need to learn to stay in their own lanes when it comes to other people's privacies!🫡10-4!

Some of the naturally gay kind,  makes the best humans!  Experience & opinion just from my dealings!  It's a fact in my reality! 

Overall let me simplify it!  You got orange trees, apple trees, then gay trees, then you got heterosexual trees!  No tree is better or worst than the other!  They all serve an earthly purpose!  

You like coffee!

I like tea!

Love, Joy, & Peace!!!

Yours Truly,

Empress Queen Versatile 

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray... Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  Empress Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!


Link Added On June 24, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On July 14, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Link Added On September 3, 2024, Tuesday:

🔥 MAJOR🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On December 18, 2024, Wednesday: