Sunday, December 29, 2024

VENT: Song Lyrics, "You & Me"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "You & Me"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  December 29, 2024, Sunday 


4-8 Bars Instrumental 


It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's takin' the world over!

We can't be pressed by jealousy!

It's only You & Me!;  Can't they see?;  Must not!

It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's all we need!;  All we need!

Nobody else besides You & Me!;  You & Me!

It's victory!;  Victory!;  Only wins!;  Between You & Me!

(Verse 1)

They tried to cause us losses!;  But they can knock the fu(k off!

We have no sympathy for losers, only winners is who we fu(k wit'!

Anybody else will try to cause us to self-sabotage!;...

...But they can knock the fu(k off!

We have no empathy for leeches, only the independent we fu(k wit'!


It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's takin' the world over!

We can't be pressed by jealousy!

It's only You & Me!;  Can't they see?;  Must not!

It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's all we need!;  All we need!

Nobody else besides You & Me!;  You & Me!

It's victory!;  Victory!;  Only wins!;  Between You & Me!

(Verse 2)

We learnt from past history, hard lessons we refuse to repeat!

We didn't have a soft life, startin' out!;  But now we get to enjoy luxury!

They tried to steal our plates from us!;  But they failed miserably!

Ha! Ha!;  Ha! Ha!;  Ha---!;  Ha! Ha!

Now who's gettin' the last laugh?;  Now the haters can kiss our @$$!


It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's takin' the world over!

We can't be pressed by jealousy!

It's only You & Me!;  Can't they see?;  Must not!

It's got to be You & Me!;  You & Me!

That's all we need!;  All we need!

Nobody else besides You & Me!;  You & Me!

It's victory!;  Victory!;  Only wins!;  Between You & Me!

Confirmation Link(s) Added On January 1, 2025, Wednesday:


Additional Link Added On January 2, 2025, Thursday:

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On January 4, 2025, Saturday...(You & Me!; Can't They See!😆🥰😍😘...):

Additional Link Added On January 10, 2025, Friday:

Additional Link Added On January 30, 2025, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On January 31, 2025, Friday:

💥💥MAJOR💥💥Confirmation Additional Link Added On February 11, 2025, Tuesday...(Can We All Have A Laugh & Give These Clowns A Round Of Applause For Their Poor Performance!😁🖕🏽🙌🏿):

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

VENT: Freestyle Poetry Vent, "Christmas Gimmick"-Writing Freestyle Poetry Vents, Another Form to Venting

 "Christmas Gimmick"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  December 27, 2024, Friday 

Fu(k Christmas!;  It's a fu(kin' Gimmick!

Hallelu Yah!;  Hallelu The Most High!

Christmas keeps yo' soul fragments stuck in the Matrix!;  When everybody stop agreein'-watch the collapse!

Christmas is a fu(kin' Gimmick to keep yo' soul trapped like any other Matrix holiday!

I don't need nobody to tell me when to give!

I don't need nobody to tell me when the fu(k I can share!

I don't need nobody to schedule my pockets!

Fu(k it!;  I'm Aquarius-I live by my own fu(kin' standards!

I'm not a follow the leader!;  Fu(k the crowd!;  Uranus & Pluto are here to bring destruction & take over!

I'm a cosmic child!;  The only orders I take is from Yah, The Most High!;  Anything else, can kiss my raw @$$ without Vaseline!;  Fu(k the lipgloss!;  I'm raw beauty!

No plastic body parts only natur-ale!;  Maybe a little Revlon cause it was gifted but it wasn't on Christmas!;  My man don't need a government holiday to tell him when to gift me!;  He's quite intelligent!;  Standin' alone on his own two!;  Mentally independent, financially secure, & physically gifted to put the strawberry on top!;  He knows all the ingredients that's needed to bake my cake!;  But ain't nothin' fake!;  So we don't allow the Matrix to siphon our authentic energy!;  If they feast they will never cease!

Matrix holidays ain't for me but maybe for you!;  But I like stored energy so I keep a surplus like the merchants so I don't allow the Matrix to siphon!;  Especially, since I'm finally free!;  Free from the generational bondage upon my bloodlines that Matrix holidays held in place!

I give all praise to Yah, The Most High, My Heavenly Abba that I've seen wit' my own two cause my heart is pure!

It's time for His people to take over!;  He wears the white slacks wit' a white hat wit' a golden brass countenance!;  Wit' one on the right & left!  Glory!  Glory!  Pure Glory!;  My eyes have seen!;  My own two have beheld!

Words couldn't really describe & I still don't do justice!;  My mere human description bein' in human standpoint position don't do The Most High, Yah, any justice!;  But the attempt is to the best of my ability wit' a trail of golden women & children followin' behind at His feet!;  Almost blinded the $h!+ out-of-me!;  It don't make it any better hittin' the corner & bein' caught off guard!;  Fu(kin' giants!;  I'm like I'm an ant in the presence of The Most High, the highest of the high!;  Too great for me to utter in words so I write!;  My lips are sealed shut!;  Hallelu Yah, The Most High!;  I appreciate you deliverin' me from the Matrix!

I won't turn back just for a day of food & gifts that's gonna eventually be devalued!;  You're the gift that keeps givin' so I invest wholeheartedly in the one who saved me!

All praise to Yah, The Most High ❣️

From Empress Queen Versatile, Yah's Daughter!

By the way,

The true belief everybody ain't created equally!;  Everybody ain't got the same daddy creator!;  So watch the bloodlines you're judgin' cause yo' Matrix belief system makes you jealous & envious!;  I'm takin' note how people talk $h!+ about my Divine Family!;  You will be held accountable!

People have bigger fish to fry than buyin' gifts for 1-day out the year...then be strugglin' the other 364 days out the year!🤔 Let's not forget the selfish stingy individuals who give 1-day out the year generously and the other 364 days closed pockets!🤔😇😁Make that fake $h!+ make sense!😂


Christmas teaches people especially kids to put their order in to man instead to the Universe!;  The birth of ENTITLEMENT!; The worst method to manifest!

💥💥MAJOR💥💥Confirmation Link Added On December 30, 2024, Monday...(You Gonna Manifest Wit' Santa Claus Or The Universe?🤔):

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On January 1, 2025, Wednesday...(Kundali Satija, Says A Mouth Full!):

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On January 2, 2025, Thursday...(The Gift That Keeps On Givin' 365(+)Days Every Seasons & Cycles!): 

Additional Link Added On January 5, 2025, Sunday...(How Holidays Keep People In Emotional Traps...Family, Foes, & Friends!):

Additional Link Added On January 6, 2025, Monday...(They Taught My Daughter Their Manipulative Tactics, i.e. Black Magic!...She Tested Her Dark Talents & Knowledge On Me & Miserably Fail!...Now She's Outcast Forever!):

Additional Link(s) Added On January 8, 2025, Wednesday...(The Must Know To Break Free From The False Matrix & Generational Curses From A True Guru(s)!):


Additional Link Added On January 12, 2025, Sunday...(Who Are These So Called Family Members You'll Really Celebratin' These Matrix Holidays Wit' To Keep You Trapped? 🤔):

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

VENT: Freestyle Poetry Vent, "My Past Life Murder"-Writing Freestyle Poetry Vents, Another Form to Venting

 "My Past Life Murder"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  December 15, 2024, Sunday 

It's funny how I was born into a family wit' a 1st cousin as a past life murderer!

She took my life wit' a knife due to jealousy & envy!

But her evil deed never went unpunished!

And her evil deed still ain't stop me from speakin'!

Took my life behind a man due to an illusion for the affection that she thought he had towards me!;  But it was simply jealousy & envy!

The catch is him & her was never an item!;  Until this karmic life when sh!+ came back to bite!

Screamin' her name as the b!+(h snuffed out my life!

Now I see why her karma is so severe in this life!

And low key she was still puttin' knives through my neck in the current!

The b!+(h is ridiculously without fu(kin' morals!

She gives her whole life to the nigga who drugged her through the mud in this life!

In & out her life producin' poverty, disease, & a lack of stability!;  I see why you was so gun hoe in self-sacrificin' & destruction & even placin' yo' kids on the karmic choppin' block!

In past life she had little people in her head paintin' illusions & false narratives about me!;  She couldn't see clearly,  she was blinded by jealousy & envy!;  The b!+(h took my comment & his remarks way out of context!;  If I knew she had all that goin' on in her head I wouldn't have said sh!t!

But low & behold I added much not needed fuel to her fire!;  Her flames of jealousy & envy exploded so she got up!

Got up from her chair directly across from me & snuck me from the back!

To be completely honest she was so quiet I didn't see the sh!+ comin'!;  She was cool & collected, a real crazy b!+(h!

That's why I kept havin' dreams of this b!+(h evil eyein' me!;  Dreams of her livin' in a hotel & me extendin' my hands!

No difference in the wakin' reality!;  She was jealous of everything pertainin' to the Empress!

She was jealous of my beauty, my wardrobe, & a 2-parent dysfunctional household!;  She took my life in past life so this life everything was stripped except extreme poverty!

She didn't even have the luxury of havin' a daddy!; She had a father who hit it & quit it!;  Baby daddies who wouldn't commit!; Diseased d!(ks & many abortions!;  Now I innerstand why it was nothin' to kill her babies, the crazy b!+(h!

Continuin' to lay on her back when her paper wasn't stack!;  The Most High cast her into extreme poverty!;  Anything good & wholesome would flee!;  Slipped right through her fingers!

And to have the man from past life now in this life,  she had to trade her soul & kids for an opportunity!;  No clean sex-only sloppy next & as a gift she received a batch of HIV!;  All cause the b!+(h took my precious life in past life!

I didn't kno' she was a hidden enemy until she snuck me!;  In this life I'm more vigilant! Literally,  the b!+(h is cut throat!

Now I'm usin' my Throat Chakra to put this b!+(h on full blast!

The Most High will give you front row seats to yo' enemies' karma!;  That's why we're born into certain families!

This is to commemorate my past life murder!

I woke up one day & realized that I wasn't surrounded by teddy bears but when I looked alot closer I was surrounded by snakes!😉🤔

Confirmation Link Added On December 19, 2024, Thursday...(B!+(h, It's Time To Pay Up...Lex talionis!):

Additional Link Added On January 6, 2025, Monday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from 

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Spittin' Truth"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Spittin' Truth"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  December 14, 2024, Saturday 


4-8 Bars Instrumental 


Truth!;  I don't give a d@mn if you can't stomach it!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!;  Who's gonna stop me?

I'mma spit it whether you like it or not!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!

I'm not conformin' to yo' false narratives!

If you don't like truth, stay the he!! away from me!

(Verse 1)

Grandma?;  Who's yo' grandma?

My brother only claimed you cause he said he was the only one you knew!

Believin' all the lies that yo' momma & grandma fed you!;...

...You're spellbound & completely brainwashed!

I tried to spit truth to you but you attacked like most do!


Truth!;  I don't give a d@mn if you can't stomach it!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!;  Who's gonna stop me?

I'mma spit it whether you like it or not!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!

I'm not conformin' to yo' false narratives!

If you don't like truth, stay the he!! away from me!

(Verse 2)

They tried to take me out the game even sharin' last names!;...

...It don't surprise me that they lack shame!

As long as it has to do wit' money they're completely happy!;...

... Sacrifice a life, they're completely satisfied!

Cover up truths wit' ongoin' lies,... produce false narratives to cash in life insurance policies!

And everybody is happy cause everybody gets a cut!


Truth!;  I don't give a d@mn if you can't stomach it!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!;  Who's gonna stop me?

I'mma spit it whether you like it or not!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!

I'm not conformin' to yo' false narratives!

If you don't like truth, stay the he!! away from me!

(Verse 3)

You think my brother was yo' biological father?

I hope & pray you don't ever need a transplant!

I hope & pray you never get sick like yo' fake grandma's false narratives!;...

...Then you'll find out the truth for yo'self if you go searchin' for a donor!;...

...I guarantee I won't be a match!;  My brother & I was fully biological!


Truth!;  I don't give a d@mn if you can't stomach it!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!;  Who's gonna stop me?

I'mma spit it whether you like it or not!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!

I'm not conformin' to yo' false narratives!

If you don't like truth, stay the he!! away from me!

(Verse 4)

It's ashame when people can't get hip to the games!

Because they'd rather believe lies & false narratives!

They can't take their illusions bein' shattered!;...

... Nor can they take livin' a true reality!;...

...For some people it's just best to live in the dark!;...

...For those people, stay the he!! away from me!;...

...You do mo' damage than good!


Truth!;  I don't give a d@mn if you can't stomach it!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!;  Who's gonna stop me?

I'mma spit it whether you like it or not!

Spittin' Truth is my prerogative!

I'm not conformin' to yo' false narratives!

If you don't like truth, stay the he!! away from me!

(I can't help if yo' momma was a thot!;...

...And she was another man's wife!)

Confirmation Link Added On December 14, 2024, Saturday...(If They Did It To Me, They'll Do It To You!):

Additional Link(s) Added On December 15, 2024, Sunday:


Additional Link Added On December 16, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On December 18, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On December 19, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link(s) Added On December 20, 2024, Friday:


Additional Link Added On December 23, 2024, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On December 24, 2024, Tuesday:

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On December 28, 2024, Saturday...(The Epitome of Spittin' Truth!):

Additional Link Added On December 29, 2024, Sunday:

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On January 2, 2025, Thursday...(Family Secrets🤔 Ain't No Secrets!...I Believe In Concealin' The Truth Until The Students Are Ready!...The Epitome Of A True High Empress=The High Priestess (+) The Empress!...Accept The Truth Or Leave It On The Table!...I'mma Still Eat Regardless!):

Additional Link Added On January 3, 2025, Friday:

Additional Link Added On January 5, 2025, Sunday:

Additional Link(s) Added On January 6, 2025, Monday:

...(They Taught My Daughter Their Manipulative Tactics, i.e. Black Magic & Now She's Cut Off From My Tree Forever!...Tryna Test Her Dark Skills, Talents & Knowledge On Me, She Failed Miserably!...People Can Learn Alot From Dummies, i.e. Fools!):

💥💥MAJOR💥💥Confirmation Additional Link(s) Added On January 8, 2025, Wednesday:


Additional Link Added On January 10, 2025, Friday...(Drop The🎤🎤🎤📢📣😭😂🤣!):

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Additional Link(s) Added On January 11, 2025, Saturday:


Additional Link(s) Added On January 12, 2025, Sunday:


Additional Link Added On January 15, 2025, Wednesday:

Additional Link(s) Added On January 18, 2025, Saturday:


Additional Link Added On January 21, 2025, Tuesday...(That's Why All These B!+ches Are Completely Losin' Their Minds, Includin' Karmic Mother & Her Husband!...This Is Exactly Why You Should Choose Righteousness Over Wickedness!🤔🤯):

Additional Link Added On January 22, 2025, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On January 23, 2025, Thursday:

💥💥📢MAJOR📢💥💥Confirmation Additional Link(s) Added On January 24, 2025, Friday...(My Divine Family Is Comin' To Deliver Me True Justice!):

Additional Link(s) Added On January 31, 2025, Friday:



Additional Link Added On February 4, 2025, Tuesday:

Additional Link Added On February 6, 2025, Thursday:


Additional Link Added On February 11, 2025, Tuesday...(Water Is Thicker Than Blood When There's Lies Involved!):

Additional Link Added On February 12, 2025, Wednesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Treat People"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Treat People"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  December 10, 2024, Tuesday 


4-8 Bars Instrumental 


Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Then later you won't have to worry 'bout vomitin'!

(Verse 1)

That hoe wasn't gonna buy him no groceries!

He traded the real thang in for a fantasy!

Now the nigga tryna think how to come back to me!

Let me guess!;  You broke, busted, & hungry!

Let me remind you!;  I ain't got nothin' for ya'!

The way you did me was like pissin' on an animal!

Yo' piss was too weak!;  It didn't put my fire out!

Nigga, you tried to cockblock my destiny!;  (Background Echo:  You fu(kin' coward!)

(Treat people how you want to be eatin'!)


Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Then later you won't have to worry 'bout vomitin'!

(Verse 2)

I use to give a fu(k about whether you ate!

Now you just another notch on my heavyweight belt!

Takin' you in public, was a straight embarrassment!

I realized you was nothin' but a joke from the beginnin'!

Cloudin' up my image & tryna steal my shine!

You dusty alley rat!; Take all yo' negative energy back!

Give it to the plastic Barbie hoe who'll never buy you any groceries!

Standin' in line tryna get a piece of @$$!

And once you're finish eatin', all y'all stupid niggas start vomitin'!;...

...(Background Echo:  You fu(kin' coward!)

(Treat people how you want to be eatin'!)


Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Then later you won't have to worry 'bout vomitin'!

(Verse 3)

(Background Echo:  Recap!)

Let me remind you!;  I ain't got nothin' for ya'!

The way you did me was like pissin' on an animal!

Yo' piss was too weak!;  It didn't put my fire out!

Nigga, you tried to cockblock my destiny!

Now you just another notch on my heavyweight belt!

Takin' you in public, was a straight embarrassment!

I realized you was nothin' but a joke from the beginnin'!

Cloudin' up my image & tryna steal my shine!;...

...(Background Echo:  You fu(kin' coward!)

(Treat people how you want to be eatin'!)


Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Treat people how you want to be eatin'!

Then later you won't have to worry 'bout vomitin'!

Confirmation Link Added On December 13, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On December 14, 2024, Saturday:

Additional Link Added On December 15, 2024, Sunday:

Additional Link Added On December 16, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On December 19, 2024, Thursday:

Additional Link Added On December 20, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On December 22, 2024, Sunday...(Thank You Ancestors For Addin' Mo' & Mo' Trappings To My Collections!...Thanks For All The Spider Webs Setup Around & My Popcorn To Watch!):


Additional Link Added On December 23, 2024, Tuesday:

💥💥MAJOR💥💥Confirmation Additional Link(s) Added On December 29, 2024, Sunday:


Additional Link Added On January 2, 2025, Thursday:

🔥🔥 MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link(s) Added On January 11, 2025, Saturday:


Additional Link Added On January 17, 2025, Friday:

Additional Link Added On January 19, 2025, Sunday...(The Real Motives & Intentions Behind These Diabolical MoFo's!...It's Quite Disturbin' That Animalistic Beasts Like This Exist On This Plane!):

Additional Link Added On February 3, 2025, Monday:

🔥🔥MAJOR🔥🔥 Confirmation Additional Link Added On February 12, 2025, Wednesday...(The Perfect Example Of Consequences For Not Treatin' People How You Want To Be Eatin'!...You Can Learn Alot From Dummies!):

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from 

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!