Friday, January 10, 2025

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Baby, Thank You"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Baby, Thank You"

(Genre: R&B)

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile 

Orig. Written On:  January 10, 2025, Friday 


4-8 Bars Instrumental 


Baby, Thank You!

I'm so grateful!;  My heart is filled!

Baby, Thank You for yo' love unconditional-without bull$h!+!

(Verse 1)

I'm glad he fu(ked up!;  Now I got a real winner!

No slow downs!;  He takes me fast to ecstasy!

The very best!;  The best that will ever be!


Baby, Thank You!

I'm so grateful!;  My heart is filled!

Baby, Thank You for yo' love unconditional-without bull$h!+!

(Verse 2)

I was so tired goin' in & out failed relationships!

It's got to be something better out there!;...

...And that's when I finally crossed paths wit' you-the very best!


Baby, Thank You!

I'm so grateful!;  My heart is filled!

Baby, Thank You for yo' love unconditional-without bull$h!+!

(Verse 3)

I was so sick!;  I couldn't stomach it-...

...all the losers that came knockin' on my door!

I opened up cause I didn't kno' my true value!;  But now I kno' my worth!


Baby, Thank You!

I'm so grateful!;  My heart is filled!

Baby, Thank You for yo' love unconditional-without bull$h!+!

(Verse 4)

Since I've met you,  I'm doin' better!;  I'm doin' well!

No mo' tears!;  But tears of joy!;  Boy, yo' love is Koi!

You don't have to fish me!;  You caught me!;  I'm here for life!

Baby, I love you!;  I do!;  Nothin' can stand between us!;...

...That's our main focus!;  Everything else is drowned out!

Pov: Male's Voice

(Background Echo: You're Welcome, Baby!)


Baby, Thank You!

I'm so grateful!;  My heart is filled!

Baby, Thank You for yo' love unconditional-without bull$h!+!

Confirmation Link Added On January 12, 2025, Sunday...(Sh!+ Like This Is Why You Have To Move In Silence!...Never Let Yo' Right Hand Kno' What The Left Hand Is Doin'!...I'll Lead Yo' A$$ Into A Ditch Before I Lead You To My Treasures!):

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!

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