Thursday, August 31, 2023

VENT: Song Lyrics, "Energy Return"-Writing Songs, Another Form to Venting

 "Energy Return"

Written By:  (Empress) Queen Versatile

Orig. Written On:  August 25, 2023, Friday


4-8 Bars Instrumental


You remember when you f×¢ked wit' my energy?;  Intentionally!

Return back to sender!;  The negativity!

F×€kin' wit' my energy...

Now you defeated!

You got served!

Straight from the Universe!

(Verse 1)

She used her mind to keep me in the 2 of swords.

But now,  all that energy returned back to sender!

Now she has memory loss!

For usin' her mind...

Tryin' to keep me lost!


You remember when you f×€ked wit' my energy?;  Intentionally!

Return back to sender!;  The negativity!

F×€kin' wit' my energy...

Now you defeated!

You got served!

Straight from the Universe!

(Verse 2)

I took my power back!

When I got an epiphany from the Universe!

If it wasn't for my guides...

I wouldn't be alive!


You remember when you f×€ked wit' my energy?;  Intentionally!

Return back to sender!;  The negativity!

F×€kin' wit' my energy...

Now you defeated!

You got served!

Straight from the Universe!

(Verse 3)

You couldn't imagine what a mother would do...

Out of jealousy & envy,  to keep me from my destiny!

I'm a walkin' testimony!

Cause I've overcome!

All that wasted mental energy...

Tryin' to deter me!


You remember when you f×€ked wit' my energy?;  Intentionally!

Return back to sender!;  The negativity!

F×€kin' wit' my energy...

Now you defeated!

You got served!

Straight from the Universe!

(Verse 4)

I pray dearly for the 1's who abused me!

Took all their mental energy tryin' to control me!

Kept me in the 2 of swords,  for the longest!

Now I'm the Queen of Swords!;  I cut myself loose!

For the attacks,  I'm cuttin' their a$$ off!!!


F×€kin' wit' my energy...

Cause they're demonic!

No demon in this world can defeat me!

I'm in my power!

I'm unstoppable!

Just a memo!

All that negativity...

Usin' yo' bad energy...

To F×€k wit' an Empress!

You got served an Universal notice!

Now you got memory loss!

Divine Karmic Justice!

Energy Return Back to Sender

That's Universal Law!!!

Please click on the following links (It's funny how karma plays out!):

Additional Link Added On May 31, 2024, Friday:

Additional Link Added On June 5, 2024, Wednesday:

Additional Link Added On June 10, 2024, Monday:

Additional Link Added On June 12, 2024, Wednesday:

Vent-Can You Relate?

Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!

Written By Author/Writer:  (Empress) Queen Versatile from

w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)

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