"BBLs Trauma Bondin'"
Written By: (Empress) Queen Versatile
Orig. Written On: August 31, 2024, Saturday
Tryin' to get an investment off yo' a$$! That's why niggas can line y'all up & y'all get the same results-only a good time but not a long time commitment! You got the same a$$ that the next woman purchased! What makes you different than the next woman's a$$ in a superficial man's eyes?
(Echo: Unless you're just out for play, it really doesn't matter the difference! I don't knock the game nor anyone's hussle!)
Why not obtain the man first who's willin' to invest in you long-term than to invest in yo' body to try to obtain a man. You invest in yo' a$$ that's all he's gonna be interested in. Unless you performin' other tricks & black magic, i.e. energy manipulation to attempt to get him to commit long-term, instead of investin' in you superficially! However, you still can't make a man love you & give you his heart based on a$$ as priority!
(Echo: He'll be invested in yo' a$$, but not in yo' heart! But you choose what you market as 1st priority!)
You go through a risky procedure to invest in a man that you haven't obtained as yo' husband! That's why they can line all y'all a$$es up on a couch & y'all get the same results, a nut! They don't take yo' mind & heart serious because you advertisin' a$$ as first priority! You invest in yo'self as a toy for superficial men & manchild boys that's not guaranteed to give you a long-term serious commitment & in turns reinvest in you.
(Echo: You get what you invest energetically! You can't lie to the Universe wit' untruthful motives & intentions! You get what you manifest! You gonna get what you put out!)
If a man is just interested in you for yo' a$$ because that's what you're investin' in & marketin', there's many mo' a$$es just like yours he will take interest in & be attracted to that can be brought & purchased! Especially, if he's just interested & lookin' for a$$ only relations. Therefore, yo' chances for groundin' a real serious long-term commitment will be slim to none! Because in his eyes you're just average wit' a bigger than normal booty that may or may not be maintained properly! Then after he's had enough feastin' off yo' tree & leavin' behind piles of nut that may or may not be contaminated, he'll give you the boot like a child that's tired & bored wit' playin' wit' their old toys! Now tossin' you while he's seekin' for new!
(Echo: And now you're cryin' & throwin' temper tantrums while he's on the prowl for something new!)
A real man usually will invest long-term in a real woman after he's learnt his lessons about dealin' wit' & given into superficially minded women! So yo' chances are higher for obtainin' a boy toy cause energy matches energy! And btw(by the way), he's gonna see yo' a$$ before he has the opportunity to see yo' brains! FYI- usually how you carry yourself depicts how you think! After obtainin' BBL playtime, he'll be ready to move on to the next play toy just as quick as he nuts! He gets bored!
Now he's lookin' for the next newer manufactured BBL play toy! Who's up next in the line up! FYI- he'll hit a homerun & then ditch you because he knows what you value that's quite evident. Therefore, he's not willin' to make a long-term investment pass nuts! I don't knock BBLs! It's the intentions & motives behind yo' actions! Everyone's intentions & motives varies from person-to-person! Therefore, men you should not lump & clump all women wit' a BBL in the same bunch. Take the time to read her & question her intentions & motives. Learn to look & see beyond the physical. You need to take a deeper dive emotionally, spiritually, and mentally to keep from gettin' bored as quick as you nut! Remember, a BBL is for a fun time, not a long time! Even if you're a stripper, you won't be able to be a stripper for life wit' the same quality body nor booty! One thing for certain you can always expect natural changes in yo' body no matter how many cosmetic procedures you receive. It's called the natural breakdown of the body, i.e. the flower of life's Earthly house!
This Empress Queen Versatile & Now I'm Out!
While you have yo' BBL enjoy it because it's not long-term! Real Recognize Real! Fake dudes invest in fake a$$es! They despise real women because a real woman requires & demands more than a physical & financial investment! Remember, enslaved women use to get mocked & shun for havin' a big a$$ & now everyone strives for a bigger than normal a$$! Men are goin' to eventually be attracted to & interested in only natural women as the world evolves rapidly! Also, as they learn their karmic lessons about vanity, the BBLs & big booties that's unnatural will eventually trend away due to unforseen health issues, etc.! Natural women will be front & center in the hearts 1st & 2nd in men's eyes! Mark my words! And pray you never age wit' an unnatural booty, because I promise-you will look terrible. It's only good while it last, short-term but not long-term!
Vent-Can You Relate?
Meditate & Pray...Not Pr(e)y!!!
Written By Author/Writer: (Empress) Queen Versatile from ventcanyourelate.com
w/Love, Joy, & Peace(Shalom)!!!
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